Dear all my transcript readers,
The expository preaching of the Book of James has ended 2 weeks ago. Rev.Stephen Tong will begin a new series on difficult topics of the Bible. The first topic is on Creation vs. Evolution and will begin from this Sunday onwards (expected to continue for one month).
I encourage those of you in Singapore to come and be blessed by all the apologetics series. To the rest who do not have the chance to come personally, I hope my transcripts will continue to be a blessing to you.
Below is the official announcement from STEMI.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Have you ever encountered difficult passages in the Bible? Are you looking for answers to difficult questions in faith? Introducing the weekly preaching session by world-renowned theologian-evangelist, Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong:
Difficult Passages In The Bible 2006
The Reformed Evangelical Expository Preaching Series, Singapore.
Date : Sunday
Time : 7.30pm
Location : Newton Life Church, 200 Keng Lee Road, S308410
Speaker : Rev Dr Stephen Tong
Interpreter : Elder Yong Teck Meng (Mandarin with English Translation)
Come and be part of this exciting seminar. Kindly help us publicize this event, and do invite your friends to attend.
Please contact us if you need more information.
Please contact us if you need more information.
God Bless.
STEMI (Singapore)
Tel : +65 63330511 / +65 98291320 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)
Fax : +65 63330522