Expository Preaching of James 2006


This is an announcement from STEMI regarding the expository preaching by Rev.Dr.Stephen Tong this year. I will continue to put up my notes on his preaching in this blog especially for those who would like to come but are not able to make it.

Please be informed that the Reformed Evangelical Expository Preaching will resume on the 8th Jan. 2006. Rev.Dr.Stephen Tong will continue to preach on the Book of James.

Date/Time : 8th Jan. 2006, 7.30 PM (and confirmed every Sunday till end of February for now)
Location : Newton Life Church, 200 Keng Lee Road,
Singapore 308410. (near Newton MRT)

Please come, and invite your friends to join us in listening to the exposition of the WORD of God.

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